Monday, July 22, 2019

My Spiti Holidays

He left, Leaving behind everything he knew, Everything that broke his heart, Everything that mended it, Everything he loved, Everything he hated, Everything he originated from, Everything constantly destroying him, Everything that wasn't his anymore, Everything that will always be his. He left, asking himself how willing he is to feel smaller than he had ever felt, insignificant to the core, accepting that what he knew was just a miniscule drop of all the knowledge in the universe, and he was yet to know almost everything. And asking, if he was willing to go the entire length to accept that he was nothing but a fool, who didn't know anything, for it was then when it would all begin. It was then he would find himself being mesmerised by the magic of everything around him, for this is how he would open the portals for everything grand to enter within him, the moment he would accept that he still had an entire space to fill up within himself, for he knew nothing, he hadn't achieved anything, and he was just a small being walking on a huge planet. And this is how he began to walk upon the path of incredible happenings. This is how his life was going to transform.

Someone has said it so well... That’s what I feel exactly.