Sunday, March 29, 2015

KarmaYoga Continued….

The two obstacles to be KarmaYogi are Love and Hate. We love what we want and we hate what we don’t want. One should raise himself above Love and Hate to become KaramaYogi.

For that one should follow Swadharma and continuously introspect. A merchant follows his Swadharma by selling goods but if he sells bad quality of good to earn more money means he is avoiding his Swadharma. The Karama should be done by heart. If one follows Swadharma and does his Karma by putting his soul, he loses ego, anger, becomes detached and enlightened.

While doing Karma one should introspect. He will find Dosha, he should improve on it. One will learn with practice how to be detached, how to overcome love and hate. Once you learn it and practice it, it becomes your nature over the time.

Out aim should be to transform our Karama to Akarama by doing it with heart, overcoming our Doshas (Love, Hate and Attachment) and once we learn it, it becomes our nature by practicing it over the time. Such state of doing Akarma is Sanyasa.

KarmaYoga has two aspects – Yoga and Sanyasa.

Yoga – The one who does Karma transforming to Akarama. Such a person does Karama but never feels that he is doing anything as it is his nature to do it. The scientists work very hard, they work 24x7 and come up with inventions but they don’t realize the efforts for it as its their nature.

Sanyasa – Saints don’t do anything but they create greater impact to society by not doing anything Jesus Christ did not rebel or oppose his killer but his act of not doing anything transform the society.
Eventually Sanyasi and Yogi are the same state of following KarmaYoga, one by doing things by not doing anything and one by doing nothing even also doing it all the time.

To do the things without doing things is possible only for Siddhas (who has achieved the state). This is difficult to understand for Sadhaka, Sadhaka can follow the art of Akrama to become Siddha.

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