Thursday, May 21, 2020

Blessed to Have You as My Mother in Law

Sulu Mavashi as fondly we call you, It’s hard to believe you are not with us anymore. We will always miss you.

Sulu Mavashi you never treated me as your daughter in law but as your niece so you were never monther in law to me but you were one of favorite mavashi (autnty, monther’s sister). You were always my support. Without your support I wouldn’t have been what I am today. When I was newly married you always advised that lady of house has a difficult responsibility of striking balance to take care of sasural and maika as well. You always encouraged me to not to neglect my paternal family. You always stood by me in every decision, you encouraged me to go onsite and pursue my career goals.

You are the one who gave Sachin the books for IIT preparations.

You have been always inspirational to entire family, you always pampered, loved, cared everyone in the family and were there for everyone in their difficult times. You were the pillar of the family. You were amazing cook and we always enjoyed whenever we visited you or you visited us, especially I won’t forget Gulabjamun made by you. You were perfect blend of modern yet rooted to Indian culture. You taught us to keep the family together. Lots of things to learn from you, Sulu Mavashi.

You have laid such a strong foundation for the family that none of us will let you fail, feel sad ever. Om Shanti!!

1 comment:

Netra said...
